Saturday, August 4, 2007

Go Faeries!!T...

Go Faeries!!Take the What Faery Are You? Quiz!This quiz was made by lia


auddpnn said...

cool that was me too. nice icon. yum. so glad to see you back!

carbonated5464yahoocom said...

To live up to your journal name "smartgirl," I'd suggest posting less arbitrary quizes and instead typing about yourself...i.e. your opinions, your feelings, your interests. While you're still pretty young, you're already showing signs of narcissism so I hope that there is some substance to your confidence. Truth be told, no one cares aboutquiz results but the quiz taker. Just some advice from another user who happened to be directed to your page on a random search.

valerka74 said...

i dont put them on here for everyone else to look at jackass, i just like taking these...quiz things for no apparant reason. and the name 'smart girl' came from an inside conversation in which you'd have no idea about, so maybe you should stop assuming these things.maybe if i had more time and was actually allowed back on my computer i'd be posting 15 minute to read entries again. but since i have a life (unlike some people), i only have time to write in my regualar journal. Maybe you should consider doing something more constructive with your life rather than judging others by their livejournals...just a suggestion.

reviews31 said...

yes. apparantly, we're 'dark'. but that's ok, i hate bouncy people...DIE!my hands are cold.brrrr

cqnuuemestreandrei48 said...

I'm a full time college student and I teach creative writing to elementary school children. I didnt comment on the amount of time you had to write in livejournal, I commented on your context. Why bother keeping a journal if you find it so asinine?P.S. (calling someone a jackass is having a temper tantrum.)Jaclyn

prnisecsjess said...

oh im sorry miss college student, hope you're receiving a great education in your high-class society.